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Media queries are cool, they let you create nice responsive layouts, but they have one problem, they only know the size of the window and not of the parent element. This is especially a problem with highly modular websites where you have widgets or templates that can be used inside different sized elements.
Here’s a good article that describes the problem:
…Looks like Chrome 27 on OS X changed something that broke the jKit lightbox functionality. I’m currently looking into the problem. I’m actually not 100% sure, but frokm the looks of it, it could even be a jQuery feature that stopped working properly.
…Uglify, the minifier service I’m using was down while I did run my commit scripts. So the .min version got corrupted. I’ll try to fix it ASAP.
…The ajax command has a new option that makes it possible to only load content (with ajax) if the element is being shown. This makes lazy loading for responsive websites possible.
Here’s an example:
Have a look at the source and play around with the window width to get an idea how it works. it’s actually pretty simple.
Another small new addition
…I will be back in full force soon. A lot of interesting things happened around my life recently and my free time was razor thin because of it. I will try to get to all your questions on Saturday and there should be new releases next week.
…jKit has currently over 40 commands, it’s time to work on the individual command details and the whole codebase. It’s planned to add an event and callback system that makes it possible to call your own JavaScript code on each action jKit performs. The first code to make this happen is already in the latest versions of jKit, but as long as that’s not final, you wont see me document that only to lat
…I’m currently working on quite a few new things for jKit. Some are just small new features for existing commands, but there are two major developments coming in the next releases. One is hash/history management for things like tabs, accordion, ajax … and the second one is a fully documented source code. Here’s a very early preview:
It will be faster in
…The latest version (1.1.17) has introduced a new feature that I want to highlight a bit in here. It’s currently available for the following three commands: Tabs, accordion and ticker.
So what is it? Basically it’s a way to write more agnostic markup. For example the tab command till now has needed the following HTML structure to work correctly:
div (container)
div (element)
Just started reading the new book by jQuery inventor John Resig. It’s really good with a lot of advanced stuff you normally don’t find in JS books, but be aware, it’s nothing for JS beginners.
Get it over here:
…From the 26th January to the 10th February I will be away for an adventure trip. You can read about it over here:
If you have a few dollars, I’m still collecting donations for the people there, only about 300$ to go to reach my goal of $5000:
…jKit had quite an impact over the past few days and I felt that it would already be a good idea to add a community forum to the site, to better channel all the various discussions going on right now (mainly on Google Groups, Reddit, Facebook and Twitter).
All future announcements will be made on this forum, as well. I will still post to the big social communities, but the discussions will mainl