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I’m using JKit on top of my WordPress install and have a strange behavior : when the page where I have placed the JKit commands is defined as the “static page” in the READ OPTION of WordPress, nothing works. If I put another page (without JKit command) as the default static page in WordPress, then everything is fine. Do you have an explanation ? My configuration : WordPress 3.51 + Gant
Is it possible to change the speed of the SWAP function (in order to make the “onmouseover” image appearing smoothly for example). Many thanks Pat
…Hello, I’m wondering what could be the best way to scroll to an anchor and place it not to the the top of the page, but at a specific vertical position. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks Pat
…Hello, I’m very interested in JKit and tried to install it on top of my WordPress site. The 2 js files (jquery-1.9.1.min.js and jquery.jkit.1.2.3.min.js) are well loaded with my page, but when I look at the page code, I have the following error that appears : “Uncaught TypeError : Object [Object, object] has no method ‘Jkit’ Of course, none of the JKit functions are working, due to this error