A very easy to use, cross platform jQuery UI library that’s still small in size, has the features you need and doesn’t get in your way.
Tested browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE7+, Opera and Safari Mobile
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.jkit.1.0.42.min.js"></script>
Attach it to the whole body or any other element:
<script type="text/javascript">
Apply one of the many commands to some element with the rel attribute:
Or if you don’t want to misuse the rel attribute, do it the HTML5 way:
And of course you can execute a command through JavaScript if needed:
$('#myelement').jKit('scroll', { 'speed': 1000, 'dynamic': 'no' });
More to come …
Ideally added right after the body tag, and don’t forget the “width” and “height” attribute:
<img rel="jKit[background:distort=no]" id="bg" src="images/bg5.jpeg" width="2048" height="1536">
Hide any element easily:
<div class="box" id="mydiv1" rel="jKit[hide:delay=2000;speed=500;animation=fade]">Text ...</div>
Or just completelly remove an element from the DOM:
<div class="box" id="mydiv2" rel="jKit[remove:delay=4000]">Text ...</div>
You can of course show an element, as well:
<div class="box" id="mydiv3" style="display:none" rel="jKit[show:delay=6000;speed=1500]">Text ...</div>
Or do both things, show and hide, in succession:
<div class="box" id="mydiv4" style="display:none" rel="jKit[showandhide:delay=2000;speed=500;duration=5000]">Text ...</div>
Or do the whole loop (duration1 is the hidden phase, duration2 the shown):
<div class="box" id="mydiv4b" style="display:none" rel="jKit[loop:speed1=2000;duration1=250;speed2=250;duration2=2000]">Text ...</div>
Remove any childrens inside an element that exceed a limit of 3:
<ul rel="jKit[limit:count=3]">
<li>Entry 1</li>
<li>Entry 2</li>
<li>Entry 3</li>
<li>Entry 4</li>
Limit a string to 25 characters:
<span rel="jKit[limit:elements=chars;count=25]">1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789</span>
Smoothly scrolls to an anchor or the top on click:
<a href="" rel="jKit[scroll]">To the top!</a>
<a href="#command_random" rel="jKit[scroll:speed=1000;easing=easeOutBounce]">To the top!</a>
Simple lightbox functionality for images and iframed urls:
<a href="images/sky.jpg" rel="jKit[lightbox]" title="Paragliders in the sky">Open Image</a>
Too much of something? Than only show part of it:
<div class="box" id="mydiv5" style="width:400px;padding:6px;background:#ffd;border:1px #eeb solid" rel="jKit[partially:height=50;speed=500;easing=easeOutBounce]">Text ...</div>
Another way to show only part of something is to randomly pick one or more from something:
<div class="box" id="randomly" rel="jKit[random:count=2]">
<p id="rand1" style="color:#c30">
Text 1 (red)
<p id="rand2" style="color:#0c3">
Text 2 (green)
<p id="rand2" style="color:#03c">
Text 3 (blue)
Text 1 (red)
Text 2 (green)
Text 3 (blue)
Create a slideshow the easy way, with many options for different usecases:
<div id="mydiv7" rel="jKit[slideshow:interval=4000;speed=250;animation=fade]">
<a href="http://fredibach.ch" target="_blank"><img src="slides/p1.jpg"></a>
<a href="http://fredibach.ch" target="_blank"><img src="slides/p2.jpg"></a>
<a href="http://fredibach.ch" target="_blank"><img src="slides/p3.jpg"></a>
<a href="http://fredibach.ch" target="_blank"><img src="slides/p4.jpg"></a>
<a href="http://fredibach.ch" target="_blank"><img src="slides/p5.jpg"></a>
You can create a slideshow with almost anything, for example with headings:
<div id="mydiv8" style="text-align:center;font-size:2em" rel="jKit[slideshow:interval=2000;speed=500;animation=fade]">
<h3>First Headline</h3>
<h3>Another Headline</h3>
<h3>Even More of a Headline</h3>
<h3>Still not the last headline</h3>
<h3>The last headline</h3>
Another thing you can create with images is a gallery:
<div id="mydiv9" rel="jKit[gallery:event=click;active=4]">
<img src="slides/p1.jpg" title="Image caption one">
<img src="slides/p2.jpg" title="Image caption two">
<img src="slides/p3.jpg" title="Image caption three">
<img src="slides/p4.jpg" title="Image caption four">
<img src="slides/p5.jpg" title="Image caption five">
A good way to work with a lot of content that can be easily separated:
<div id="mytabs" style="height:300px;width:420px;" rel="jKit[tabs:animation=none]">
<h3>Title 1</h3>
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.</div>
<h3>Title 2</h3>
<div><a href="http://fredibach.ch" target="_blank"><img src="images400x250/paragliding1.jpeg"></a></div>
<h3>Title 3>/h3<
<div><ul><li>List Item 1</li><li>List Item 2</li><li>List Item 3</li></ul></div>
Similar like tabs, but with a different concept:
<div id="myaccordion" style="width:420px;" rel="jKit[accordion]">
<h3>Title 1</h3>
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.</div>
<h3>Title 2</h3>
<div><a href="http://fredibach.ch" target="_blank"><img src="images400x250/paragliding1.jpeg"></a></div>
<h3>Title 3</h3>
<div><ul><li>List Item 1</li><li>List Item 2</li><li>List Item 3</li></ul></div>
Let different content go around and around … and around:
<div class="carousel" rel="jKit[carousel]">
<div class="carousel-item">
DIV 1 ...
<div class="carousel-item">
DIV 2 ...
<div class="carousel-item">
DIV 3 ...
<div class="carousel-item">
DIV 4 ...
<div class="carousel-item">
DIV 5 ...
<div class="carousel-item">
DIV 6 ...
<div class="carousel-item">
DIV 7 ...
Create a parallax scrolling effect with multiple elements of different content:
<div class="parallax-container" rel="jKit[parallax:strength=3]">
<div class="parallax parallax1">Background Layer</div>
<div class="parallax parallax2">Middle Layer</div>
<div class="parallax parallax3">Foreground Layer</div>
Create an animation with frames of different content:
<div class="animation-container" rel="jKit[animation:fps=30;loop=yes]"> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=100;action=fadeout]" style="font-size:90px;background:#000"><img src="images/jkit_logo.png" alt="jKit" title="jKit" style="margin-top:110px"></div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=7]" style="font-size:90px;line-height:260%">animation</div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=10]" style="font-size:90px;line-height:260%">made</div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=50;action=tween;easing=easeOutBounce]" style="font-size:200px;padding-top:110px">easy</div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=1]" style="font-size:20px;opacity:0;padding-top:110px">easy</div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=25]"></div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=75;action=fadeinout]" style="font-size:50px;line-height:500%;color:#E01B49;background:#fff">really easy!</div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=50]"></div> <div class="animation" rel="jKit[frame:steps=50;action=fadein]" style="background:#000"></div> </div>
Animation options:
Frame options:
Create a dropdown menu from a multi-level unordered list:
<ul class="dropdown" rel="jKit[menu]">
<li><a href="#">Main 1</a>
<ul class="sub_menu">
<li><a href="#">Sub 1A</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1B</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1C</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1D</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Main 2</a>
<ul class="sub_menu">
<li><a href="#">Sub 2A</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 2B</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Main 3</a>
<ul class="sub_menu">
<li><a href="#">Sub 3A</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 3B</a></li>
<a href="#">Sub 3C</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub 3C1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 3C2</a></li>
Show additional info with a tooltip:
<a href="#" rel="jKit[tooltip:color=#fff;background=#999;text=Test Tooltip Text]">Test Link</a> <a href="#" rel="jKit[tooltip:color=#333;background=#E01B49;text=Test Tooltip Text 2]">Test Link 2</a> <a href="#" rel="jKit[tooltip:classname=mytooltip;text=Test Tooltip Text 3]">Test Link with a class for styling</a>
Register some plugins (plugins with single and multiple options are possible):
$('body').jKit({ 'plugins': { date: { 'path': "plugins/datepicker/js/datepicker.js", 'fn': 'DatePicker' }, hint: { 'path': "plugins/jquery.ztinputhint-1.2.js", 'fn': 'ztInputHint' }, maxlength: { 'path': "plugins/maxlength/jquery.maxlength-min.js", 'fn': 'maxlength' }, grow: { 'path': "plugins/jquery.jgrow-0.4.js", 'fn': 'jGrow' }, confirm: { 'path': "plugins/jquery.confirm-1.3.js", 'fn': 'confirm' }, time: { 'path': "plugins/timePicker/jquery.timePicker.min.js", 'fn': 'timePicker' }, mask: { 'path': "plugins/jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.min.js", 'fn': 'mask', 'option': 'mask' } } });
And than apply the plugin to an element in a similar way as with native jKit commands:
<input name="hint" id="hint" title="My Hint Text" rel="jKit[plugin:script=hint;hintClass=hint]">
A few more examples, here’s a growing textfield:
<textarea name="comment" id="comment" rel="jKit[plugin:script=grow]"></textarea>
A maximun number of characters:
><input name="tweet" id="tweet" rel="jKit[plugin:script=maxlength;maxCharacters=140]">>
An example with the Ajax Mailer that is bundled with the script:
<form class="box" method="post" action="https://jquery-jkit.com/ajaxmailer.php.js" rel="jKit[form:success=Thank you;error=Please check all fields]">
Or just validate:
<form class="box" method="post" action="https://jquery-jkit.com/?" rel="jKit[form:validateonly=true]">
Validation without a type, just min. and max. length and the field is required:
<input name="username" id="username" rel="jKit[validate:required=true;min=3;max=10;error=Bitte gib deinen Benutzernamen ein (3-10 Zeichen)]">
Validation with type “custom” that takes a custom function to validate:
<input name="custom" id="custom" title="127-785-145" rel="jKit[validate:type=custom;checkfunction=checkCustom;error=Bitte gib deinen Custom Code ein][plugin:script=hint;hintClass=hint]">
<div class="box" id="loremdiv" rel="jKit[lorem:paragraphs=2]"></div>
<input type="text" id="bindingsource" value="test">
<p style="font-size:32px" rel="jKit[binding:selector=#bindingsource;mode=bindingFilter]"></p>
The custom function used:
var bindingFilter = function(value,el){ el.text(value.length+' chars entered'); }
Binding the width of the background image (try resizing the browser window):
<h3 style="margin:12px;font-size:32px;text-align:center" rel="jKit[binding:selector=#jkit-background;source=css.width;mode=text]"></h3>
Making three divs the same height:
On every div: rel="jKit[binding:selector=#d1|#d2|#d3;source=css.height.max;mode=css.height]
klfhdkljsfhg jdfjg dfjhg jfdhgs djhgjh dsfhg jdfhsgjk hfjkghs djkfhgkfldshjfgh dfskjhg kfdhgsk kjls v cb fsgbh g bf gb gfsh ff gh h ft h dfg hgfdh gfd h hgf dh gf dh fgd df sd fa df as d f asd fdsafdsadfdfa dfsafdsa f dfsa ffdsa fsd f ds f sd af dsf
dhf kljdhgsjklfhglkfd shg ksl
fhjkldgh fdhgjlfdhs gdfhjg hfsdjhg jfdshg jfhdjls hgjh ghfdsjö hfk fg sdf g fd gs fg s f dfgsdg dfgs fd g fds gdfsg fd s fgd sfgdfsgfds fgdsgfds
Hiding empty div:
dfsadf dsf sdf dsf dsafsdf sdaf dsf dsafsda
Not really a command, but a way to create your own custom commands or as we named them, macros. You can create macros for stuff you’re often using, let’s say you want to have easier access to the above code for hiding an empty div, than just add it as a macro on init like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('body').jKit({ macros: { 'hide-if-empty': 'binding:selector=this;source=text;mode=css.display' } });
Now you can use it in a way that’s much easier to remember:
Define a template like this:
And than apply the template like this:
Have a look at the source of this example to get a better idea:
250 character jKit lorem
350 character jKit lorem
150 character jKit lorem
2 paragraph jKit lorem
Without text (removed paragraph) …
Create a table with your data like this:
Year | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | Mai | Jun. | Jul. | Aug. | Sep. | Okt. | Nov. | Dez. |
2011 | 500 | 124 | 254 | 124 | 245 | 233 | 125 | 147 | 189 | 156 | 164 | 144 |
2012 | 214 | 124 | 127 | 452 | 421 | 12 | 127 | 189 | 145 | 123 | 741 |
Year | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | Mai | Jun. | Jul. | Aug. | Sep. | Okt. | Nov. | Dez. |
2011 | 500 | 124 | 254 | 124 | 245 | 233 | 125 | 147 | 189 | 156 | 164 | 144 |
2012 | 214 | 124 | 127 | 452 | 421 | 12 | 127 | 189 | 145 | 123 | 741 |
Demos of the four decoding types, “code”, “text”, “esc” and “url”:
Here’s an example where we first use the text format and than we’re using an uppercase format that we added through jKits replacements feature (check the head source):
Splitting a comma separated string into a “ul > li” list:
Sun, Stars, Moon, Asteroid
Reload a (webcam) image every 10 seconds:
Control links with your keyboard by adding keyboard shortcuts to them:
Easely convert normal href links into ajax links:
Replace the name “Fredi” with “Fredi Bach” in bold:
rel="jKit[replace:search=Fredi;replacement=<strong>Fredi Bach</strong>]"
Add “odd” and “even” classes to the immediate children lis:
Add “odd” and “even” classes to all lis:
Or do some direct inline css styling:
And of course you can cycle with more than two options, as many as you want actually:
And you can of course combine it with other commands, for example to create rainbow text:
Or just affect every 4th character:
Some text …
Some more text …
Very easely swap images with preloaded image replacements:
Sort table rows on click (up an d down):
Name | Location | Birthday | Category | Status | Superior |
Mr. Max Keller | CH-7278 Davos Monstein | 1-29-1986 | freelancer | active | #120 |
Ms. Sophia Roth | CH-3186 Düdingen | 2-16-1955 | freelancer | active | #120 |
Mr. Fredi Baumann | CH-6543 Arvigo | 11-21-1993 | freelancer | active | |
Ms. Hannah Zimmermann | LI-9493 Mauren | 6-26-1967 | freelancer | active | #1168 |
Ms. Maja Brunner | D-21207 Seevetal | 10-22-1934 | trainee | active | #120 |
Mr. Tom Fischer | LI-9492 Eschen | 5-19-1955 | freelancer | inactive | #1168 |
Ms. Alina Gerber | D-21710 Engelschoff | 10-15-1981 | employee | active | #1168 |
Mr. Tim Gerber | CH-6543 Arvigo | 12-8-2022 | freelancer | active | #120 |
Mr. Felix Meier | LI-9486 Schaanwald | 8-26-1975 | guest | active | #120 |
Mr. Fredi Müller | LI-9486 Schaanwald | 10-24-1953 | trainee | active | #120 |
Mr. Tim Gerber | CH-1773 Léchelles | 12-25-1966 | freelancer | active | |
Ms. Lilli Meyer | D-21207 Seevetal | 11-29-1938 | guest | active | |
Ms. Emilie Fischer | D-04299 Leipzig | 11-7-2022 | freelancer | active | #463 |
Mr. Fredi Graf | CH-6534 S. Vittore | 12-7-2022 | employee | active | #120 |
Ms. Cordelia Weber | CH-6543 Arvigo | 2-23-1967 | employee | active | #120 |
Name | Location | Birthday | Category | Status | Superior |
Mr. Max Keller | CH-7278 Davos Monstein | 1-29-1986 | freelancer | active | #120 |
Ms. Sophia Roth | CH-3186 Düdingen | 2-16-1955 | freelancer | active | #120 |
Mr. Fredi Baumann | CH-6543 Arvigo | 11-21-1993 | freelancer | active | |
Ms. Hannah Zimmermann | LI-9493 Mauren | 6-26-1967 | freelancer | active | #1168 |
Ms. Maja Brunner | D-21207 Seevetal | 10-22-1934 | trainee | active | #120 |
Mr. Tom Fischer | LI-9492 Eschen | 5-19-1955 | freelancer | inactive | #1168 |
Ms. Alina Gerber | D-21710 Engelschoff | 10-15-1981 | employee | active | #1168 |
Mr. Tim Gerber | CH-6543 Arvigo | 12-8-2022 | freelancer | active | #120 |
Mr. Felix Meier | LI-9486 Schaanwald | 8-26-1975 | guest | active | #120 |
Mr. Fredi Müller | LI-9486 Schaanwald | 10-24-1953 | trainee | active | #120 |
Mr. Tim Gerber | CH-1773 Léchelles | 12-25-1966 | freelancer | active | |
Ms. Lilli Meyer | D-21207 Seevetal | 11-29-1938 | guest | active | |
Ms. Emilie Fischer | D-04299 Leipzig | 11-7-2022 | freelancer | active | #463 |
Mr. Fredi Graf | CH-6534 S. Vittore | 12-7-2022 | employee | active | #120 |
Ms. Cordelia Weber | CH-6543 Arvigo | 2-23-1967 | employee | active | #120 |
©2012 Fredi Bach