Documentation | Code |
sourceMakeupsourceMakeup is a source code viewer written in PHP on the backend, and jQuery and jKit on the frontend. sourceMakeup was heavely inspired by the first versions of Docco, with some additional features that enhance the frontend visually and feature wise. It was mainly developed as a source code viewer for the jQuery based UI toolkit jKit. It’s main use is to create beautiful source documentation for JavaScript libraries and plugins, but it can be used to document small PHP code and CSS markup as well, however, with some limitations. Comments for sourceMakeup should be written in Markdown. This way sourceMakeup can correctly and beautifully format the code and add a navigation menu linked to the different parts of your code.
LicensesourceMakeup is open source and MIT licensed. For more informations read the license.txt file | |
Settings | |
| 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 $dir = './'; $file = 'sourcemakeup.php'; $files = array( 'sourcemakeup.php', 'js/jquery.jkit.1.1.28.js', 'js/jquery.jkit.1.1.29.js', 'js/sourcemakeup.js', 'css/sourcemakeup.css' ); $extensions = 'js,php,css'; $filter = '.min.js'; $dev = false; |
The Source | |
Is the main file the one from the settings or another one? | 56 57 58 if (isset($_GET['file']) && $_GET['file'] != ''){ $file = $_GET['file']; } |
Define the path for our cached file: | 62 $cachefile = 'cache/'.md5($file).'.txt'; |
Create a list of all files we want to document. In case $files is not empty, those files will be used and the following code block will be ignored. | 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 if (count($files) == 0){ if ($dir != ''){ $tempfiles = scandir($dir); $files = array(); foreach($tempfiles as $f){ if ($f != '.' && $f != '..' && stripos($f, $filter) === false){ $allowed = explode(',', $extensions); $ext = pathinfo($f, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (in_array($ext, $allowed)) { $files[] = $f; } } } } else { $files = array($file); } } |
Do we have to load the cahed file or create a new one? | 87 if (file_exists($cachefile) && !$dev){ |
Load the cached file: | 91 92 93 $output = file_get_contents($cachefile); } else { |
Ok, so we need to create new output. To do that we first need to include the Markdown class: | 97 include_once "libs/markdown/markdown.php"; |
Load the file and create an array of all lines: | 101 102 $data = file_get_contents($file); $lines = explode("n", $data); |
Create some variables we need later: | 106 107 108 109 $blocks = array(); $iscomment = false; $currentblock = 0; $linenumber = 0; |
Step through all lines and combine them into codeblocks. Each codeblock can have following contents:
| 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 foreach($lines as $line){ $linenumber++; if (substr(trim($line),0,2) == '//'){ if (!$iscomment){ $currentblock++; } $blocks[$currentblock]['comment'] .= "n".substr(trim($line),3); $blocks[$currentblock]['code'] .= ""; $iscomment = true; if (substr(trim(substr(trim($line),3)),0,3) == '{!}'){ $currentblock++; } } else { $blocks[$currentblock]['code'] .= "n".str_replace("t", " ", $line); $blocks[$currentblock]['lnr'] .= "n".$linenumber; $blocks[$currentblock]['comment'] .= ""; $iscomment = false; } } |
If this is a PHP script with <?php on the first line, we’re going to remove it as it’s only ruining our design: | 142 143 144 if (trim($blocks[0]['code']) == '<?php'){ $blocks[0]['code'] = ''; } |
We have now all we need to construct the table that contains all of our code. The table has two columns, the first contains all the comments and the second one contains all the code. | 149 $output = ''; |
Loop through all blocks and construct the rows of our table: | 153 foreach($blocks as $block){ |
Each block is a row with a comment and a code column. Sometimes only one of them actually has content and if both have no content, simply skip this block. | 158 159 160 161 162 if (trim($block['comment']) != '' || trim($block['code']) != ''){ $output .= '<tr class="docu">'; if (substr(trim($block['comment']),0,3) == '{!}'){ |
This block is an instruction block. Instruction blocks can be created like this:
| |
Instructions are normally hidden, but can be made visible. They are ment to contain special instructions either for a script or for code contributors. If you use them, make sure to supply the icons for each of your instruction type. They have to ba named like this:
| 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 $split = explode(':', substr(trim($block['comment']),3)); $block['comment'] = '<span class="itype">'; $block['comment'] .= '<img src="imgs/sourcemakeup.'.trim($split[0]).'.png"> '.$split[0].'</span>'; $block['comment'] .= ':<span class="iopt">'.$split[1].'</span>'; $output .= '<td class="comment instruction"> </td>'; $output .= '<td class="code instruction">'.$block['comment'].'</td>'; } else { |
This is a regular codeblock. As we don’t want to display any uneeded linebreaks, we use a special funtion to strip them away. The function returns an array that not only contains the stripped code, it tells us exactly how many lines where removed from the beginning and from the end. This way we can strip exactly the same number of lines from the linenumber string. | 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 $codedata = trimLinebreaks($block['code']); $templines = explode("n", $block['lnr']); if ($codedata['shifted'] > 0){ for ($i=1; $i<=$codedata['shifted']; $i++){ array_shift($templines); } } if ($codedata['popped'] > 0){ for ($i=1; $i<=$codedata['popped']; $i++){ array_pop($templines); } } $lnr = implode("n", $templines); |
For the comment column, we basically do two things. We parse the Markdown formatting into nice HTML with the Markdown library, and we than add ids to all HTML headers so that we can create an anchor navigation. | 213 $output .= '<td class="comment">'.addHeaderAnchors(Markdown(trim($block['comment']))).'</td>'; |
All we need to do for the code is escape the HTML special chars. The formatting is done by the Google Code Prettifier JavaScript. | 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 $output .= '<td class="code"><pre class="linenumbers">'.$lnr.'</pre>'; $output .= '<pre class="prettyprint">'.htmlspecialchars($codedata['code']).'</pre></td>'; } $output .= '</tr>'; } } |
Now as we created our output, we save it in a cache for later use: | 228 229 230 231 232 $fh = fopen($cachefile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh, $output); fclose($fh); } |
And lastly, we inlude the template to generate our output: | 236 include 'sourcemakeup.template.php'; |
Functions | |
The addHeaderAnchors function and the regex callback function addHeaderAnchorsCallback add ids to each header in the supplied HTML based on the title of the header. | 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 function addHeaderAnchors($text){ return preg_replace_callback('/<h([0-6]{1})>(.+)</h[0-6]{1}>/', 'addHeaderAnchorsCallback', $text); } function addHeaderAnchorsCallback($matches){ return '<h'.$matches[1].' id="'.createURLSlug($matches[2]).'">'.$matches[2].'</h'.$matches[1].'>'; } |
The createURLSlug function makes a nice url slug where all special characters are removed and spaces replaced with the “-” character. | 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 function createURLSlug($str, $replace=array(), $delimiter='-'){ if( !empty($replace) ) { $str = str_replace((array)$replace, ' ', $str); } $clean = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $str); $clean = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9/_|+ -]/", '', $clean); $clean = strtolower(trim($clean, '-')); $clean = preg_replace("/[/_|+ -]+/", $delimiter, $clean); return $clean; } |
The trimLinebreaks function removes all unneaded linebreaks before an after a string and tells us in the return array exactly how many of them. | 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 function trimLinebreaks($string){ $lines = explode("n", $string); $shifted = 0; $popped = 0; while(trim($lines[0]) == '' && count($lines) > 0){ array_shift($lines); $shifted++; } while( trim( $lines[count($lines)-1] ) == '' && count($lines) > 0){ array_pop($lines); $popped++; } $arr = array('code' => implode("n", $lines), 'shifted' => $shifted, 'popped' => $popped); return $arr; } |